coding projects

I'm happy to share my work with you

YouTube Recommendation Website Code | Article | Video This is a YouTube recommendation website that plays real videos and makes recommendations using LLMs like BERT and ChatGPT based on a user’s stated preferences.

Health Predictions Jupyter Notebook Code Predicting healthcare status from prescription drug history! This causal inference model can predict a text health status of a new patient. This task was requested and reviewed by an insurance provider while I was at the University of Michigan.

Unsupervised Machine Learning on Videos Code | Article This precedes the YouTube Website project above. This project explores unsupervised and supervised machine learning models to understand disliked videos on YouTube.

This Website/Client Website Code I have built this kind of website in roughly three days for myself and clients. I did not have prior knowledge of front-end, HTML, Javascript, or CSS. I adapted it from al-folio starter code that relies on Jekyll, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD.